Budget on Website
Tara Henderson
The reason I’d like to do this on my laptop is because I like being able to have a wider view of the screen sometimes. I also want to have other windows open so if I see a charge I’m not sure about I can quickly look it up in another tab. The app is great but when I’m sitting down to think about finances and budgeting I just prefer to be on my laptop at a desk usually.
Shawn Eliav
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Need a Manage Budget option on Web Site (Lap
Why do you not have a manage budget option in settings on a lap top version of your app like you do on the mobile application ? It would be extremly helpful
Shawn Eliav
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Have budgets available on the web version
Can we please have the budgets available on the web version and not just in the app? Thank you.
Shawn Eliav
I am thrilled to announce that you can know view, maintain, and create your budget on our web app! Thank you all for being Rocket Money members!
Shawn Eliav: Thanks for the early Christmas present!
Greg Quinlan
Shawn Eliav: Thank you!!
Jeremy, R$ Product Team
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See budgets in web app
You can't really see or edit your budgets on the web app, would be nice to have.
Tiffany Daniel
Definitely interested in this. It is hard to see budget spend on just the phone especially planning with spouse.
Jacob Ackerman
1000%, really need to be able to access the budget regardless of device, and syncing on budget with my spouse on a phone screen is not ideal
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Budget on the web
I use my phone for a lot of this work, but sometimes (like during a budget meeting with my spouse) being able to see it on a huge monitor from a desktop browser is preferable. Kind of amazed this doesn't already exist.
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Please Add Budget to Website
Greg Quinlan
I would love the ability to set up a budget from the website! The phone is just too small.
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Budgets in home screen
Nick Palenchar
Hi, On the mobile app the budgets appear in the dashboard, but they don't seem to on web. Is there a way to view budgets on desktop/web?
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Add Budgeting to Desktop App or Web Browser Version
Ethan Clark
Would like to manage rocket money budget on my computer versus mobile. Would also like to budget differently for events like holidays, vacations, expecting children, etc.
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